I’ve been working hard amidst bouts of unrelenting illness to photograph a load of my new products properly and upload them to the site.
I am SO excited to be able to announce that I am now officially a seller of Pink Pig Sketchbooks; however I have not yet added this section with the associated information to the site. So please bear with me!
MY aim is to have all my current stock (seriously, there is a LOT) up on the site by Saturday 14th September at HEAD, when I have my next double stall.
As usual, there will be a whole load of items for sale that are not, and will never be, on the website – these are exclusively available at the market stall.
Come have a gander at the wonderful crafts and treats from around Manchester, and I look forward to seeing you there! If you can’t make it, you’d better grab your favourites online now, as a lot of the stock is running low at the moment due to certain items being extremely popular.